Jumat, 02 April 2010

14 Awesome Desktop Applications For Twitter-johan rakyat

1. TweetDeck:

Among the best Twitter clients, TweetDeck is a handy dandy tool compatible with Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X, that helps you stay updated in all your Social Circles. Be it Facebook or Twitter, TweetDeck keeps you informed and allows you to update your status with ease. You can also save your Twitter searches as a separate column and retweet with a single click. tweetdeck

2. Nambu:

Currently in private beta, Nambu is a Mac OS X based Client that provides easy access for multiple Twitter accounts (Here’s a comprehensive list of web apps you can use for managing multiple Twitter accounts). The interface is a creative three- window-view, enabling the user to multi-task simultaneously. A sleek navigation menu on the left makes Nambu a great Twitter tool. nambu

3. DestroyTwitter:

DestroyTwitter is an AIR-based application that enables you to receive updates instantly without having to go online and log in to Twitter. It is a low memory based application and can easily run in the background without putting any load on the performance of the system. It is compatible with all different operating systems. destroy

4. Tweetie For Mac:

Tweetie for Mac is a simple yet greatly functional tool for Twitter. Use of stylized icons instead of words makes this app more interesting. tweetie

5. Digsby:

Digsby is another popular desktop based IM client that also supports Twitter. digsby1

6. Skimmer:

Skimmer is an awesome Twitter client focused on displaying inline media. It integrates streams from Twitter, Facebook and Flickr. skimmer

7. Tweetr:

Tweetr is a sweet application to help the user easily share files with fellow Tweeters. Just drag and drop files and a link is automatically created for your file. You can also upload your newest pics live from your webcam. tweetr

8. Twitterlicious:

Twitterlicious is a windows based application that lets you read and write tweets without any hassle. A handy dandy nifty little tool that doesn’t take up much space, and refreshes itself from time to time to ensure you’re up to the mark. twitterlicious

9. Twhirl:

Twhirl is a cute little Adobe AIR based application that notifies the user on any new activity, and manages different social network service accounts in one place. Compared with other similar apps, Twhirl has a rather colorful interface that adds to the overall experience. twhirl

10. DigiTweet:

Digitweet is another excellent desktop client app for Twitter. Just hover on a shortened URL and a small pop-up window will display the destination URL.

11. Twunami:

Twunami is another Twitter desktop application that lets you tweet, retweet, super tweet and much much more with ease. It has a built-in spell-checker, workspace customization and a number of other features. In short, it takes a professional approach to Twitter. twunami

12. Twitterrific:

Twitterrific is a cute little  application that is user friendly and very simple. It is designed for Mac OS and is very efficient in occupying screen space.twitterific

13. Alert Thingy:

Alert Thingy is your own personal social desktop. Now you can send Tweets, update your Facebook status, upload photos to Flickr, and more. For business users Alert Thingy promises Yammer, Basecamp and Huddle integrations. Talk about being the jack of all trades. alertthingy

14. Toro:

Toro’s is another simple Twitter client with a clean navigation menu and more than enough features for an average user.toro
These 14 tools eliminate the need to go online every time you want to use Twitter. Do you use any of these? What other tools do you think should be added to the list?


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